move click move: More Fun Stuff!


Films made by children and groups; cut-out animation and flipbooks.

From the compilation move click move, Animated and Experimental Film Shorts by Deanna Morse. This award-winning interactive experience has 8 sections and includes over 35 films (created between 1970 - 2001), storyboard-to-film comparisons and behind-the-scenes making-of stills revealing technique and process.


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More Fun Stuff! Motion Menu

2001, 0:28

Transition from Main Menu to More Fun Stuff!, including the menu surprise and blue jay sounds.


1978, 3:42

Metamorphic life cycle of a cartoon star. Drawn on 3 x 5 notecards, as a continuous shot.

Animation by Deanna Morse. Sound by Deanna Morse and Bill Robinson, with the voices of Eric Gethers, Foster Hammond, Anna Hamrick, Matt Hamrick and Sammy Holmes.


  • 12 behind-the-scenes photos

Ranky Tanky

1978, 1:21

An African-American folk game. Cut out animation and collage.

Animation by Deanna Morse and Jane DeKoven. Voices by Millicent Brian, Denise Dixon, Alonda Montgomery, Dianne Laughlin, Deanna Morse and Jane DeKoven.

Reality Check

1981, 3:55

Dogman, a gravel-voiced, jive talkin' philosopher.

Cut-out animation created by Deanna Morse, Chuck Peterson, and Jon Yazell. Harmonica by John Polakis, voice by Jon Yazell.

Jimmy Brown the Newsboy

1978, 1:37

Silhouette animation with pet frog. Paper dolls chains.

Animation by Deanna Morse and Jane Flint DeKoven, music by Ira DeKoven.


  • 11 behind-the-scenes photos

Sunny Sunday

1978, 1:19

Anijam flipbook: an "exquisite corpse" by 8 animators. Created at Hampshire College in a summer animation course (University Film Study Center) with Robert Breer. Created on notecards.

Animators: Jerry Bradshaw, Carter Burwell, Rose Mary Costabile, Jan Millsapps, Deanna Morse, Catherine Richardson, Marilyn Smith, and Pomfret Veal.

Flip Film

1978, 3:21

Student flipbooks: stick figures cavorting.

Created by Deanna Morse and students in the Filmmaker in the Schools Program, South Carolina Arts Commission, 1974-78. Sound by Deanna Morse and Jane DeKoven.

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